Learn about PRISM 

PRISM is a powerful tool for understanding human behaviour 

Self-awareness is the key to the success of every individual, and that's exactly what PRISM delivers. PRISM gives you a great deal of insight about you and how you interact with the world and those around you. 
Have you wondered how to make the best use of your natural talents? 
Have you been struggling with some relationships or team members at work? 
Are you making the right career decisions? 
Do you want to influence and connect to other people in a more positive way? 
Do you know where your team’s collective strengths and blind-spots are? 
The answers are in a PRISM report. A deeper understanding of YOU unlocks your potential and provides important insights into these questions and much more. 
Knowing more about your behaviour - and yourself - can help you lead a life with less friction and greater fulfilment. Even if you uncover qualities of your behaviour you're less happy with, the information can help you pinpoint the things that may need changing. 
The good news is that PRISM gives you the opportunity to understand who you really are. This is not a personality test that puts you in to a box – PRISM in based on decades of scientific research, and produces an easy to follow, practical and comprehensive guide – to you. 

How do we use PRISM? 

We integrate PRISM into many of our team and leadership development solutions as we get excellent feedback from our clients who adopt the model back in the worksplace and use it as a shared language.  
We typically include PRISM profiling as part of: 
Leadership development programmes 
Management training and short courses 
Developing high performing teams 
Profiling for key senior hires; against the role, team and culture 
Mapping onto your values and behavioural frameworks 
There are 3 levels of report: Foundation, Personal and Professional. There is also a 360 feedback module and a Team diagnostic report, making PRISM a great choice as a model with flexibility to build on with orgniasations, using different profiles for different learning needs and audience groups.  
You can now buy a Foundation report from us online - you can see an example report in the section below, click on the 'buy now' link and get started on your PRISM journey. 
Do you already have a PRISM profile? We now offer a new online self-study learning option for managers, linking PRISM to the 4 fundamental pillars of best practice. Get the very best out of yourselves and others with this practical, multi-format managment development programme. Find out more by clicking on the link below. 

 NEW! Buy your PRISM Foundation profile online 

We now offer the Foundation report online, no coaching or course needed. Once you complete the questionnaire, you will automatically receive your PRISM profile. 
There are 3 different levels of profile: Foundation, Personal and Professional. Each unlocks different layers of insight into your behaviour in a simple, easy to read report that reveals your behavioural preferences and profile. 
We use PRISM Personal or Professional level reports in leadership and team development, as they need a programme or coaching to bring them to life. The Foundation report is a brilliant way to explore the model or if you're familair with PRISM, see how your profile has changed as you and your role have evolved. 
Perhaps you've come across Disc, Myers Briggs or Insights and you're intrigued to see how PRISM compares? 
Have you completed a PRISM report previously and intrigued to find out if your Underlying profile has changed? 
For only £66.00 (including VAT if applicable) you can access your unique PRISM Foundation report today. Simply click below to pay online then follow the link to input your name and details then start your questionnaire. We'll also email you the questionnaire link, giving you the choice to complete it now or later - or if you're buying a a profile for someone else, simply input their details following payment, and they will receive the link and details. 
Once completed, you'll automatically receive 'imap' - an interactive online version of your profile, using videos and exercises to guide you through your report to discover your strengths, potentail blindpots and how you interact with others through the lense of PRISM. You also have the option to downlaod a PDF version to read off-line.  
Click to view a sample PRISM Foundation imap to see what's included 
Ready to discover your PRISM profile?  
Each type of report provides a different level of detail, from introductory to a full, in-depth insight into your behaviour. 
Which one is right for you?  
Take a look at what's included. 
Click here to view a sample Personal report 
Click here to view a sample Professional report 

Here’s what’s included in a PRISM Foundation report 

Email us to find out more about PRISM Personal or Professional profiles. 
(Most of our international clients request their PRISM reports in English, however both the self-assessment questionnaire and are available in multiple languages – contact us to find out more). 

NEW! PRISM courses 

In addition to running in-company workshops, we have developed a range of courses you can study solo, at a time and pace that suits you. 
Whether you’re new to PRISM or keen to apply PRISM in your day-to-day role, these practical online courses to help you get the best out of your profile and learn how to manage yourself and get the best out of others looking through the PRISM lens. 
Click below to explore our online courses. 

PRISM for Teams and shaping culture 

To enhance team performance, you need to have a good benchmark of performance. The Great place to Work survey provides an excellent insight into key areas, but does it help you enhance the performance of a specific team? 
Many of our clients also use PRISM profiling and the Team Diagnostic to engage the team in working better together and enhancing results. 
PRISM Team Diagnostic 
How does your team measure up against the 12 indicators of high performing teams? 

Do you know where your team's strengths and blindspots are, and how to accelerate performance? 

Give everyone a voice and find out how to work better together 
Each team member completes a confidential online questionnaire rating the team against 12 key areas and suggests improvements 
We produce an easy to read report comprising your results against benchmarks including your culture and team morale 
Commit to action and re-assess in 6 months to chart your progress